Brain Capital Summit

Wednesday 27 November 2024
RACV Club – 501 Bourke St, Melbourne

Wednesday 27 November 2024
RACV Club – 501 Bourke St, Melbourne

Investing in our brain health and skills to build our resilience, creativity, adaptability

Brain Capital lies at the heart of Australia’s growth and prosperity. Investing in our brains not only enables individuals to lead purposeful lives but also fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration—all vital skills for navigating the complexities of the modern world. Prioritising brain health and brain skills across the full lifespan will yield invaluable dividends for health, education, justice, democracy, innovation and environmental stewardship. Building brain capital emerges as a systemic solution to foster inclusive economic prosperity, social wellness, and human thriving.

Dr Harris Eyre<br />

‘To support the flourishing of the global population in the age of polycrisis, we need a novel, person-centred and collective paradigm – a brain economy. The brain economy leverages insights from neuroscience to provide a novel way of centralising the human contribution to the economy, how the economy in turn shapes our lives and positive feedbacks between the two. The brain economy is primarily based on Brain Capital, an economic asset integrating brain health and brain skills, the social, emotional, and the diversity of cognitive brain resources of individuals and communities.’

– Harris Eyre

The Brain Capital Summit is a forum for innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, industry, and government leaders to explore the transformative potential of brain capital.

Endorsed by the Brain Capital Alliance and including global heavyweight speakers such as Dr Harris Eyre, the Brain Capital Summit 2024 will address:

  • Improving Brain Health at Scale
  • Optimising our Environment and Society for Better Brain Health and Skills
  • Transitioning to the Age of Intelligence: Envisioning Possibilities in the Age of A.I.
  • Understanding the Impact of Social, Economic, and Natural Environments on Our Brains
  • Investing in Brains: Exploring Innovative Investment Models in Brain Health
  • Prioritising Mental Wealth and Brain Capital in Australia’s Prosperity Evaluation
  • Optimising Brain Health Across the Lifespan: From Homes to Communities
  • The Neuroscience Revolution: Breakthroughs in Brain Health on the Horizon
  • Facilitating Public-Private Partnerships and International Collaborations to Boost Brain Capital
To get involved in the inaugural Brain Capital Summit 2024 as a speaker, partner or supporter, please get in touch at
Supported by
Brain Capital Alliance
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